
Friday, October 14, 2011


Visitors make things harder.

I love seeing them, but greatly miss the opportunities for intimacy. They stay late, chatting, asking for help with this or that or the other thing. I think longingly about what could happen when they leave, but alas, when they finally depart it is too late. Day after day.

I've given 1(one!) morning blow job this week. Just one. It was lovely. But...just one? I thought this morning... but circumstances conspired against us. Again. Morning sex is what keeps me going when the nighttime sex is nonexistent.

Saw an issue of Cosmopolitan at the supermarket. Circle on the cover screaming about kicking your inner good girl to the curb for some kinky sex. Wonder what they mean by kinky? Flipped through it to see if I could find and skim the article, but then it was our turn. Won't pay for that trash just to sate my curiosity. Would have done a blog post about it if I'd found it.

Have been using Moom for my armpits and legs. I like it a lot.

We may be going away for day or two. Should be fun if it happens.

Middle of the month, second payday. We get to keep a little of this one, yay!

Everyone have an awesome weekend!


  1. Thinking steamy thoughts for you, lol! Good luck:)!


  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Kitty: Thanks so much!

    maui girl: I tend to run off at the fingertips sometimes. A lot of ideas in my head. :) I'll try to pace myself. Or schedule posts.

    I am lucky, lucky. I know. Complaining is so not like me. I'm over it! No more!


Thank you for reading. I hope you'll let me know you were here - I like friends!