
Friday, March 30, 2012

Q&A: Other girls

My last post spurred a question from Kitty over at The Submissive Wife:
But, I would like to hear more about this other girls business... not so much the him bringing it up, but the your reaction... If you are interested in sharing.
My reaction: Well, it's never going to happen, and I know that on the deepest level, but he says these things once in a while to see/hear/feel my reaction. My surface feelings are the ones that respond, not the ones underneath that know he is mine and I am his. It usually gets a shudder, a moan, and a promise from me to do anything, but he already has that. I think he just likes to hear it, likes to know that I crave not only his attention, but his undivided attention.

If he disagrees, he's welcome to chime in. (Hi, love!)

It's a hot idea to be teased with. It's definitely something my brain catches on when he does it, like a thread being snagged by a ragged bit of metal. Sometimes it puts a hot image in my mind that turns me on more and makes me move differently, more urgently. He's suggested before when I had a cold sore that maybe he should find another girl who would be able to suck his cock for him, and it's humiliating in that context, deliciously so.

We've talked about it, and neither of us are interested in messing with our dynamic by complicating it with a third person, but he feels perfectly at ease tossing the idea into a scene to watch me squirm over it. So much of what goes on between us is the heat of words, and this just gives him another weapon in his arsenal of buttons to press.


  1. Thank you for the answer. I come down squarely in the middle of it's never going to happen and oh, man, a LOT of my fantasies used to be of me with another woman and now they are of watching him with another woman. Maybe doing the things, he hasn't quite done to me yet. Maybe the woman in the fantasies is me.

    Hmmmm... breakthrough? This is dovetailing nicely with a discussion I had yesterday with H. Maybe I have to do another post now too...

    Drat. :)

    1. You know, I like women in a physical sense. I like the idea of sex with a woman. But in practice? I don't think it would work for me like that. I'd have to be in a relationship with the specific woman, and we'd have to have a connection like the one my husband and I share. So much of sex for me is about what's going on in my head, that I don't think I could just hop in with someone just for kicks and orgasms.

    2. Right... sex in relationships. That is the issue.

      Do you date someone as a couple, do you buy a prostitute, do you find a willing one-night stand girl?

      And then do you watch your own relationship implode?

      There are some issues with having others in the pictures IMO.

  2. I am with both of you right now, the fantasy turns me on but in reality that is not somewhere I am willing to go within our dynamic. It is actually a hard limit for my Daddy although I said it was something I would do if told but not something I would want. I actually think Daddy would be hurt if we put ourselves in that situation and I did not freak out with jealousy.

    1. I think some men want that situation just to see the "freak out with jealousy" part, to be honest. Which really isn't fair to the third party, when you think about it..

  3. Oh I agree with all of this. We have talked about it and come to the conclusion we don't share and we don't play well with others, so not gonna happen, lol. Doesn't mean it isn't a bit if a turn on though.

    1. I remember early in our relationship when I told him, completely unprompted, that he could have sex with other women if he wanted to, I wouldn't leave him - just to never have sex with me again afterward. ("It's cruel unusual punishment to kiss fingerprinted skin.." is a lyric that resonates well with me) He said something along the lines of "That seems fair."

      But no harm in a bit of fantasy fodder, says me.

  4. Thanks for your expansion on the previous post. I appreciate it when you delve deeper and expand on what you have said, making it all very clear.


    1. I forget sometimes that it's important to make things clear in a post - if I've mentioned something another post before that doesn't mean everyone reading this one has read it! Keeps me on my toes, this writing thing. ;)


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