
Thursday, April 12, 2012

Marriage - political humor from my man

One of my facebook friends posted her opinion on NC's Amendment 1. She's against it, for the record.

It unleashed a torrent of opinion from her facebook friends, and one of them was a long-winded comment about how marriage was for one man and one woman, blah, blah, etc, and so on. My husband, reading over my shoulder, asked what all the blah spewed into that comment was about (he just saw a mass of text), and I told him.

"It's about her opinion of marriage, and how it's for one man and one woman."

"Oh? Who made that decision, and why do they get to be so lucky? Can it be us?"

Love this man.


  1. Oh, I LOVE your husband's response to that! Very, very clever.

    1. He's such a card, he's always making me laugh! And this was such an awesome comeback - really too bad he wasn't able to say it to anyone else.

  2. Good response.


    1. I know, right? I don't know how he comes up with this stuff on the spur of the moment like that.. I've had a lifelong desire to be funny and I'm just...not.

  3. That's awesome. On a related note, why does it feel so extreme to state an opinion anymore?

    1. I know what you mean. I spend whole minutes just debating whether I should post a certain thing on facebook, or if I really want to put myself in the way of the inflammatory responses it will invariably generate. Meh.


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