
Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Why I love sucking cock, take 2

Excellent lovers take their partners' pleasures as equal to their own, knowing mutual pleasure and the pleasure of a lover is the entire point of non-procreative sex. Therefore, a woman who desires to be the best lover possible to a man does not merely submit to sucking cock, she relishes it. She transforms the act into an erotic dance of mutual desire.

The body is rife with nerve endings and sensitivities that vary from person to person. The foreskin of an intact man is particularly sensitive, and rubbing or touching it leads the man to make many noises of pleasure. It glides along the shaft of the cock smoothly, engendering wonderful feelings for the man, and the noises he makes lead to pretty fantastic feelings for his lover as well. When that rubbing and touching is performed by a warm, wet, willing mouth that is clearly quite dedicated to the act, the pleasure is even greater, enhanced by the heat and the moisture.

Rock hard, yet covered with velvety softness, an intact man's erection is a juxtaposition of opposite sensations that feels incredible. What better way to experience all the amazing sensations it can provide than with the lips and tongue, which are also incredibly sensitive? The foreskin is soft under the lips, but a bit of circular pressure against it causes it to flatten, to yield between the two forces it finds itself trapped between, allowing the lips to feel the hardness lying in wait.

With a woman's lips enjoying that particular pleasure, her tongue can slide around the head, prodding just under the foreskin, allowing her to taste her lover, to memorize or refamiliarize herself with all the bumps and ridges and smooth places that are exclusive to him.

All of this pleasure a mere few seconds into a blow job, and the exploration can be continued on for some time before any actual sucking begins. "Sucking cock" is a bit of a misnomer, since it could just as well be called licking, exploring, enjoying cock. The phrase "cock worship" might relay more information, but might also be a little off-putting to some since it seems to imply a sort of expert level of ability. It does not. The single most important thing a woman can bring to a blow job? Her own desire to do it.

Sucking cock also allows for so many varied positions, so the individuals involved can choose to be as laid-back or as eager as they would like, depending on their energy levels. If the couple really want to enjoy each other for a while, getting into a good, relaxed position is excellent. His hands and mouth can reach different parts of her in different positions, leading each one to be its own individual set of sensations.

If the woman is particularly thrilled by sucking cock, she might also enjoy more force, though by no means is that a rule to apply to everyone. She can give herself to him completely, allow him to take her mouth as he chooses. His hands can stroke her hair, or tug on it as dictated by their preferences, as he thrusts into her willing, eager to please mouth. Some women find having him take his pleasure with her like this powerfully arousing, so while it is not for everyone, it is certainly worth exploring.

Intimacy between lovers is increased greatly by the mutual enjoyment of blow jobs. Women have the capacity to enjoy sucking their lovers' cocks on an emotional level as well as a physical one. The sheer physical sensations are definitely pleasurable, but the joy of knowing a lover is enjoying himself immensely is not the only emotional return. The man whose cock is sucked well and gladly radiates gratitude and happiness and feels even more loved. His lover will enjoy that at least as much as she thrills in their mutual pleasure.

This positive feedback loop of physical and emotional enjoyment, so easily brought about by such simple actions, is why sucking cock should be right up there on any man's lover's list of fun activities.

I considered doing this APA style, with references and everything. In the end, I decided to just write it as you see it, removing myself from the picture and trying my best to describe why any woman who likes her man might love to also suck cock. Most of my experience is with an intact man, though I did briefly experience a cut one. I adore the extra opportunities for play the foreskin provides.

I'm not so sure I accomplished my goal, but I'm pretty proud of the effort.

Thanks, Spanky, for the challenge. I've really enjoyed it.


  1. APA style - lol - now that's just silly! I...ummmm... I like to make Daddy make yummy noises. They make me happy.

    1. Well, I wanted to be a little silly by not being silly at all. :) And hey, I thought I could perhaps one day use it as thesis material...

      The noises are SO awesome.

    2. That's funny, cause I thought about doing my thesis on ttwd as well! Why what appeals to us appeals to us, is there a commonality to nurture or life experience that exists? Or is it more of a nature thing - but even in nature, is there commonalities to the mother's experience that creates the environment in which we percolate.....which begs the question because our nature can be entirely a condition created by our mothers....chicken or the egg kind of thing.

      (not very little, I know - yes, yes there is a grown up person in here somewhere)

    3. Oh, and the noises - they make me SMILE so huge. Love them :)

    4. It's all so fascinating, I could definitely write a thesis-length analysis. Or longer.

      You should go for it! Your questions could spur many, many blog posts, I know that.

  2. This is really, really good.. But, as a thesis? You would have to major in some kind of human sexuality or something. Actually, I would love to see that review panel. :)

    1. Thank you for that!

      I always joked about majoring in sexuality before I got my tech degree... such varied interests in a person leads to educational inertia.

    2. The oral exam would be fascinating too.

  3. HELLO!

    Hey y'all, my husband totally just commented on my blog. FIRST TIME EVER.

    Party at my place, right now!

  4. I am not sure I could go the distance at one of your parties... wink, wink!

    Nice job Conina's husband! H is next.

  5. HURRAY on the comment. on the post. and on your blog being accessible again!

  6. This post right when you said you had no idea what I was talking about on my Jeopardy post? Hee. If you really don't know, then it's an amazing coincidence.

    1. I really don't know. I could hazard a vague sort of guess now (and have).

  7. Terrific post Conina.

  8. I'm really happy about the blog being accessible again too. :)

  9. Terrific! I'm really pleased to see your blog up again. Do you know what happened?

    1. Thank you!

      My entire Google account was shut down - they said due to suspicious activity, which I guess was someone trying to break into my account. It really shook me up to try to load my own blog and it give me the "Deleted" page. I think they shut it down to prevent the person who broke in from abusing it.

    2. How were you able to get it back?

    3. I entered my mobile phone number (which they had already, but I had to enter it again to verify myself) and they sent me a text with a verification code, which I then had to enter on the website.

      Very easy, thankfully. So terrifying so see so many months of writing disappear.

    4. I always ignored the "add your mobile phone number" until now. But this convinced me to do it.

  10. Oh okay! It all makes sense - I had seen the concern but I hadn't found your blog at the time. Very good to hear that you were able to get it back and yummy post. :)

    1. I love it when things make sense. :)

      Thanks for commenting!

  11. Lovely. The only things I could possible add is taste as a sensation to enjoy and also there's something (for me at least) about the sensation of having my mouth - and sometimes part of my throat - filled like that... mmmm!

    Oh and you can flirt just a little with breath play if you like that kind of thing :-)

    1. Huh. One of my drafts did mention taste, but it seems I cut it out somehow. Thanks for mentioning it. :)

      I also love the sensation of having my mouth and throat filled and the breath control required... oh, yes. Now I just want to go do it again.


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