
Tuesday, July 10, 2012

What I am

I am my husband's.

If I were to start talking right now, and say nothing else but to try to describe the extent of my love for him, years would pass, and eventually I would die while still trying to get it right. He is, without a doubt, the sweetest, most wonderful man it has ever been my pleasure and privilege to know.

He is funny, always making me laugh. I am often jealous of how consistently funny he is. I don't have the funny knack.

He is brilliant, and has put his all into building an amazing life for our family, while supporting my choices 100%. We're in a bit of a transitional period right now, and we've both made sacrifices, but I think his part of the burden is more.

He left everything he'd ever known to marry me, to be with me. It just does not get more romantic than that.

He presses my buttons, as I have an entire blog here to explain to my readers. He's always open and willing to press a new one if we find it.

He is an amazing parent as well, and our little one is as addicted to him as I am.

There's a quote from a Doctor Who episode, which my husband wasn't a fan of, but the quote rings so incredibly true for me:
"You know when you meet someone and they're so beautiful, but after a few minutes they're as dull as a a brick. And then you meet someone and you're like 'They're okay; not bad.' But then you get to know them and suddenly their face becomes them and they just become so... Beautiful.
... Rory is the most beautiful man I've ever met."
So I am his.

I am happy to please him in any way I can - and that's not even necessarily related to D/s. I just enjoy pleasing him, in much the same way any person deeply in love with another wants to please their love. He feels the same way about me.

I am submissive to him. I am thrilled when he takes what he wants from me, thrilled that our passion can still flare so hot, so regularly. I am thrilled when his sexy voice whispers sweet nothings or dirty obscenities to me in the heat of the moment, or out of it. His hand pressing on my throat melts me.

We've been married for almost ten years, and our love only grows deeper.

I feel so incredibly blessed to have shared so much of our lives together.

He has gifted me with his dominance, and with treasuring my submission. The interplay between those makes my life so incredibly rich, and I really cannot express how amazing my life is right now.

I am his, and I am grateful.


  1. You guys are the kind of couple who will still be holding hands and gazing lovingly at each other when you are old and grey, lol. That's pretty cool :D

    1. We hope for and work toward that kind of longevity so we can, indeed. We think it's pretty cool too. :)

  2. A beautiful post- thanks for sharing!

    1. Sometimes these things just spill out of me - thank you for reading!

  3. Hi... I don't think I've ever been on your blog before... very nice post!! Loved it!! I agree faerie... that is what life and true love are all about!!! **applause**

    1. I don't think you have either, welcome! I'm so glad you enjoyed it.

  4. This I can comment on!:) Very nice.

  5. Very nice! Isn't it amazing that you feel that way about somebody? DH and I are always in awe when we have moments like that about ourselves.

    1. It really is amazing, especially when you see the way many other couples interact and you know they don't quite have it right. Many of the bloggers I read know what I'm talking about - you seem to be one. :)

  6. Gods, I *love* that episode, despite by lukewarm reception of Matt Smith as The Doctor! Rory is the most steadfast person I've ever seen on television; I want to be like that for Mrs. AP, always there either waiting or fighting for her.

    In a world so full of negativity, posts like yours remind me that beauty and hope and deep love still stand strong. Thank you for brightening my day.

    Stay SINful
    Mr. AP

    1. My husband doesn't like Matt Smith at all, which may be part of the reason he can't stand the episode.

      But he IS Rory. I've said it many times and I maintain it. He would wait for me 2000 years, absolutely. (our relationship even began kind of the same way, though we'd only known each other a couple of years.. penny in the air ;))

      Thank you for the beautiful compliment!

  7. I love when people do their love letters out loud - it is so meaningful to be a part of it.

    Thank you for this - and the part about your kiddo loving him too - well, that is my favorite part (out of a lot of favorites).

    1. I love when you love things! :)

      The kiddo is very demanding of his daddy time. I don't mind; one day he'll grow up and leave us, so we may as well enjoy him while he's small.

  8. Replies
    1. Thank you so much, I'm very glad you liked it. :)

  9. I know exactly what you mean! I have one of those-lucky women!

    1. Another thing I love about the bloggers I read - they really DO know how lucky they are. It feels really special to be in a group like that.

  10. True love exists? I'm glad you have it. Someone should. My mom claims to have it too :)

    1. It does exist! Princess Bride and all. :)

      It's not terribly common - but most worthwhile things aren't, I guess.

  11. I'll have some of that, thank you. Great post!

  12. "I am my husband's."

    I like that. :)

  13. I will de lurk and say that I cried when I read this.


    1. I am so glad that you did de-lurk to tell me that. It's amazing to be able to write something that has that effect on someone. Thank you!


Thank you for reading. I hope you'll let me know you were here - I like friends!