
Monday, August 20, 2012

Nearly squirting

I don't have the intense details of the sex, the spanking, the flogging that I know occurred.

But I do have an interesting anecdote.

I have the Mirena IUC for birth control, and while it has never bothered me on its own and has done many things to make my life better, occasionally particularly vigorous or rough sex will push the strings up behind my cervix. It hurts. Besides that, I've heard horror stories about the device migrating and even after several years of having it there, those don't leave my head. So when, after awesome sex, I feel pain around my cervix, I have a need to check it.

Don't read any further if you're the sort to shout "TMI!"

I reached my fingers inside myself, but either my husband's cock or his hand that followed had lengthened my vagina and I couldn't feel my cervix.

"My cervix is gone," I groaned, exhausted after multiple screaming orgasms. I tottered off into the bathroom to try to get a better angle, because I knew it was in there somewhere. I squatted over the toilet, and as I reached inside my vagina, my knuckles bumped into my g-spot. From that little bump, clear fluid came pouring out of me, all over my hand. "What the..." I muttered to myself.

I spent some time examining my hand, sniffing it, even tasting it at one point.

Not urine.


It didn't feel like anything at all when it happened. It was certainly interesting.

I fixed my strings, washed my hands, and told my husband the story as I curled up in his arms.

So bizarre.


  1. Did you find your missing cervix?

  2. Nope. Not urine. ;-)

    Stay SINful
    Mr. AP

  3. That is rather bizzare, I hate trying to find that damn string, it can be quite hard to locate.

    1. Mine tend to be pretty easy, but were all the way back. I am pretty hyper vigilant about making sure they're there.

  4. A vasectomy will fix your sting problem....Good job on squirting- I think it counts and we should make a squirting badge for CWS!

    1. We weren't quite ready for the permanence of that, even though we think we're finished anyway. Probably will go that way in the end. Thanks. :)

  5. Great anecdote :) If it were me? I would count it as squirting, lol. Course, I think that's just cause I want to sooooo bad.

    1. I'm counting it. But thankfully it was in the toilet and not all over the bed! I don't think I'll be attempting to repeat it unless he seems interested in exploring that.

  6. My first time caught me by complete surprise! Now the trick is seeing if you can do it again :)

    1. I don't know if I want to... it's kind of messy. :) But if the man wants to then I'm game.

  7. I have the opposite problem, I squirt all the time. I would love to orgasm with out getting wet. Luckily my husband loves it.
    Blogs are for tmi, I think, glad you shared

    1. I'm glad I'm not the only one. Once it started, it won't stop. Now everytime we have sex I gush. Sure H loves it but it would be nice to not make a mess every time we're sexing. Ya know?

    2. I think I feel you - that would be really irritating. But if the husband loves it at least that's a bonus, if it's something you have no way of controlling (and you don't! sheesh, it just comes pouring out!)

  8. Yay for TMI - I mean really, we should be able to share it all. We are anonymous, right? (Or more or less.)

    Yeah, I could never get that out of my head either - wore it almost three months and then had to have it removed - and we went with Mrs. Soft Bottom's suggestion. But of course, there are already four kids between us.

    1. Says the lady who knows where I live. :)

      Yeah, the vasectomy seemed especially attractive, BUT now... the absence of the period is even more so, for me. I didn't know that would be a side effect but, as you know, it's been a real blessing. I don't mind hunting down strings once in a while if it means I save myself one single day of agony.

  9. OMG, totally not the story I was expecting from the title!!! I'm a total squirter. And I love TMI.

    1. I can't help but wonder, now, what kind of story you were expecting. :)

  10. "my cervix is gone"...... LOL! But what a way to go huh? :) Nearly squirted? Sounds like you did. Not that I have any experience in this mind you. I've never fancied the coil, I have an implant in my arm. Still hurts getting it and removing it though, but not as much as childbirth lol!

    Dee x

    1. Heh, I thought it was funny too. :)

      Like I said to Kitty up above, I had a lot of problems and the Mirena has relieved me of them just about completely. Getting it inserted was no big deal either. My cousin's wife has the implant in her arm and it freaks me out, but I guess that's why they have all those options. :)

  11. I was very surprised my first time squirting, haven't lost my cervix yet. And I did taste it and it wasn't urine. Then some smartass asked me how did I know what urine tastes like. I don't but it doesn't taste like that.

    Great post. No such thing as TMI :)

    1. Losing your cervix is so irritating. ;)

      Don't you just hate the smartasses? :) I've read that urine is salty, at least, and this certainly wasn't that.

    2. No, it was nutty and sweet :)

  12. I wouldn't worry too much about TMI in the blog world. Great story!

    1. I wasn't particularly worried, but some people get squicked and I thought I'd warn them. :)

  13. Haha, glad to read your found your missing cervix. Too funny. And I agree with Mrs. Soft Bottom...


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