
Friday, October 12, 2012

Flogger Friday 10-12-2012

Yep, so here I'm starting my very own weekly post wherein I feature my favorite flogger of the week along with a little story.

I spent last night and today making this:

I met the lovely Shelby Cross for lunch yesterday, because I am fortunate enough to be in her vicinity. On our parting, she mentioned she likes red - and black. As fate would have it, when I got home that evening I found my order of dye waiting on the steps. While I didn't make this for her, because I quoted her a price that counted on far, far less work than this entailed, she did very much inspire it. Even though I don't like red so much - I'm a blue and purple sort of girl - I'm very, very proud of how well it's turned out. If I could I would show it to everyone I meet.

Only now I've burned out all my creativity and have no idea what to call this beauty. Suggestions from the crowd are welcome. 

Have a fantastic weekend, everyone, and may all your flogging dreams come true!


  1. Well being an adopted Southerner, I'd say something to do with the Dawgs. But alas, I'd suggest Black Jack Cross (in honor of Shelby)

    1. I like adopted southerner. I guess I'm an adopted West Coaster now...

  2. It's gorgeous, Conina! I have to think it's a lot of work to create something like this!

    On a side note, Joy sampled our new flogger for the first time last night, and it was well received. I'm thinking a flogger may enter our regular rotation going forward.

    As for a name, I associate red and black with smoke and fire. Those aren't at all in line with the names of your other models, I know, but is there anything there? "Bonfire" or "Glowing Embers", perhaps?

    Oh I can do. Take care!

    1. It is a LOT of work.

      It's always good to hear of a flogger initiation gone right. :) I really, really like where you're going with those names.

  3. Jake is on track with Embers... how about Hot Coals... it looks like a smoldering fire.

    Weekly posts help keep you writing (and in the case of my FF - keeps me reading), but they aren't always the most popularly read. I will always come and look at your floggers though!

    I am thrilled that you met Shelby and had such a nice time. I like her writing so much.

    1. Smoldering... something. Embers? Smoldering... hrm. You guys are better at this than I am. :)

      I enjoy Shelby's writing a lot too.

  4. Oh gosh, you have GOT to stop making floggers I want!
    CANNOT spend any more money on toys. Well the issue is I DO have to spend money on toys - christmas present ones for the kids *sigh*

    I LOVE the dark red of this, it looks great against the black & puts me in the mind of some kind of gorgeous snake...

    1. Yeah, having kids cuts into the grown-up toy budget SO much, doesn't it? I can always make you another one in the future (or this one may still be available with the price I'm going to put on it).

      Thank you for the lovely compliments. :)

  5. I'd call it Devils Advocate...but I'm like

    1. That name actually has some fairly bad associations for me, but I see where you're going with that. :)


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