
Thursday, December 13, 2012

Just right

Aisha has a lovely, lovely post and poll up on her blog about whether people are getting enough D/s - control, kink, sex, in their lives.

I've seen the time when I would have answered - not enough - never, ever enough.

And while I count myself among the truly insatiable people of the world, I answered honestly that I have just the right amount of kink and sex in my life. I am truly, truly fortunate that my husband has decided to travel this path with me and give me everything I ever fantasized about, and beyond.

We could add more kink to our lives - and will - why hello there, mister rope - and it would not feel like "too much," for me. But right now, I have stunningly kinky sex almost every day, sometimes twice!

I sit at his feet and he strokes my hair.

He wraps himself around me every night, and I am safe and warm and absolutely, completely his.

He may have never seen himself owning a person, but he does it incredibly well and I am very very grateful to him for taking on the responsibility.

In other news, Lily's book is out! I had the amazing good fortune to be a beta reader, and it is good stuff. Go, read it and be enlightened!


  1. Yes, I am a little jealous. But for the time we really have available to be together, I would say that I am getting enough kink. Plus, my husband is now always looking for new ideas. Love your blog

    1. Thank you. :) I understand the jealousy feeling though - I have been there. Sometimes life gets in the way of living.

  2. I found it difficult to answer that poll, because things have really stepped up recently and I am soooo content! On the other hand, he just gets better and better at all which makes just want more! Catch 22...

    He teased me the other night about wanting sex all the time, and I apologised - he laughed properly at that and assured me it wasn't a bad thing... well, phew!

    1. Oh, don't I know it about the getting better! Seriously, how the hell do they go higher from 100%? I dunno.

      I think they don't quite realize sometimes what that "teasing" can do inside our heads. But, definitely, phew!

  3. I am hoping to go down that road more, and am envious of your time with your husband. So glad you're content in the moment.

    1. I think we're both learning how to enjoy each other to the max - even when we don't have "time." :) It's a thrilling road to travel, that's for sure.

  4. just right sounds perfect!

    Love your blog too!


    1. Thank you, faithful. :) It is perfect... sometimes when I get so happy, I get afraid that something will come and destroy it.

  5. Yes, I feel like if I had as much as you, I'd be quite content!

    1. It's a process. First, get the kink, then, explain wtf you're thinking. Over and over and over and over and over and over and over. Rinse, repeat for a few years.

      And then one day, he's waking you up for a blow job and you're just blissed out all the damn time. :)

  6. Conina,

    Ditto what Renee said. And, thank you for sharing your fun adventures with us.


    1. I wouldn't share nearly so much if I didn't have such wonderful readers. :) I'd write it and keep it to myself. (and have!)

      So thank you guys for participating, even when there's not so much to say.


Thank you for reading. I hope you'll let me know you were here - I like friends!