
Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Luckiest girl alive

That's me. For real.



Most privileged geek in the entire universe.

My husband.

This man.

I can't. I have this whole blog here to describe how happy I am with our sex lives, but absolutely everything else is remarkable too.

Okay, so there are our parents. But since they aren't under our control, any angst from them is external to our relationship.

So I find myself at a loss for words for how amazing my husband is, and how happy he makes me.

I could tell you about the amazing sex that we had this weekend, after other amazing experiences that were involved in a trip away from home to celebrate our birthdays. I plan these crazy exhausting things, and this man just goes with it. "Sure, love, we can do x and y and z all on the same weekend. Why not?"

I could tell you how lovely and perfect and handsome and in tune with me he is. How utterly spectacular he is, how I feel completely singled out by the universe to be so blessed that I get to wake up in his arms every morning.

I could write about how he woke me this morning by pulling me into him and proclaiming "Mine!" so suddenly that I was startled awake. I could write about how that ended in a lovely blow job that made me at least as happy as it made him.

I could write about how special it is to have an extra day off to spend mostly curled into his arms, half-dozing in the circle of contentment he makes for me.

In March, we'll have known each other for fifteen years. That's a 1 with a 5 next to it. Our meeting was completely by chance, a stroke of luck, a current in the universe - nothing either of us could have ever foreseen. Our relationship, though? That was all his awesomeness. He took the actions that made us a reality, and he was so fucking brave to have done it.

He credits me for many of the amazing good things in his life - but that coin has two sides. My life with him is so good that sometimes I fear I will wake one day and it will all have been a dream.

Yes, sometimes maybe I get a little irritated about the communication flow - more anal, why aren't we doing this or that, etc, etc, but if I ever actually start that conversation he has never ever made me feel like an idiot for doing so, and usually he addresses my concern pretty damn quickly. What the hell else can a human ask from another human? Not a damn thing.

So here I am, trying to put into words something that really can't be.

I am gazing at him as I type, and he is fondling the beard that he grew out to create sensation for me.

He has sex on his face.

For me.

So hot.

So fucking hot.

.... where was I?

My husband is magnificent. My marriage is dazzling.

I could tell you all of that, spout all of those words, and it still - still - would not begin to touch the true core of the wonder that is my life with this man.

This sensational, staggeringly marvelous man.

Hell. Luckiest girl alive is an understatement.


  1. Really inspiring to read this Conina

  2. You do sound so lucky. Congrats on a wonderful life.


  3. I love this! What a perfect way to honor your relationship. It was lovely. :)

    1. Thank you! I sit down to write sometimes and I just wind up gushing - so it's good to know it's well received. :)

  4. What a sweet post, Conina! Thank you for sharing!♥♥

  5. hehehe He has sex on his face?! I love it! Life is GREAT! You're just going to wake up and find that you and husband hit the jackpot.



    1. He totally has sex on his face. I say that to him quite a lot. "Hey, you have sex on your face."

      He laughs at me. :) Jackpot is totally correct.

  6. That is so wonderful. I read the "he has sex on his face" line as I have sex on his face. Either way really

  7. So lovely to read! Really it's refreshing; so much angst around this time of the year it seems.


    1. Thank you mouse. :) Once in a while my brain wanders off and forgets how fortunate I am - but I tend to rope it back in. (mmm, rope)

  8. am happy for both of you

  9. Love this, in every way. Congratulations on an extraordinary 15 years.

    Elisa Xo

    1. The first couple weren't so extraordinary - we just sort of existed knowing each other. :) But after that, WHOA. Thank you!

    2. Love, love, love. :)

  10. You brought a beautiful smile to my face!

    ava x

  11. Great post! I am growing out my beard as well for my lucky lady. She has not seen me yet so I think she will be pretty surprised to see how long it has gotten. Similar to how hockey players grow a "playoff beard" I am calling this my "under consideration beard" since the beard represents a good deal of time we were apart. Hopefully I will get the chance to be with her soon enough so I can show her the beard and then shave it off because I do not like looking like Jedediah Amish.

    1. Growing a beard in your apart time sounds like an interesting way of marking the days. :)

      My husband has actually grown his "out" to just a short little goatee... just enough to accent his chin and provide a bit of extra delicious sensation.

  12. I am so happy for you.

    PS... love the sex on the face comment. Facial hair rocks and adds to the sensation...


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