
Friday, June 21, 2013

Flogger Friday - June 21, 2013

I make floggers.

It's what I do. It's something that I sort of fell into as a consequence of my veganism, and then I discovered  I adore it - actually veganism has done that for me in a lot of areas. Funny how a change in perspective can completely shift your entire life and lead you to joys you'd never have expected.

Gardening, cooking, baking, and now making floggers. Who knows what other wonders are to come?

I've recently caused myself a bit of harm that's still healing, so I took the opportunity to do a lot of sitting with my materials and to eyeball some new possibilities. I've crafted three new floggers, all fairly different from each other, and I thought I'd share them because I think they're pretty amazing.

Still-chained blue cutie
Most recent one first! This blue cutie is on the slender side, but delivers a sort of swishing sting/thud combination that's really very nice. The falls are chained loops of light blue nylon. The handle is smooth navy blue.

We have our favorite colors in this household - they show up a lot. Blue and purple make the both of us happy, so my next creation shouldn't come as a surprise.
Purple, silver, and white.

This one's a bit of a monster compared to my usual, but I found the ring attached to it and it was begging to have a flogger made to hang from it. 

It's heavy, thuddy, and completely gorgeous. The purple may lead to it sitting around for a while, but that's actually okay because I like looking at it.

Next, I have a green and black beauty. While it still follows the more standard form/weight of what I've been making, it definitely has a spin all its own.

Green, black, gold accent.
It's another case of a ring inspiring the whole project. The ring is marbled green and black with a gold accent at the top, the falls are black, the handle is dark dark green, and the bottoms of the falls are black striped with mint.

Hard to believe how difficult this was to photograph and get the colors to come out properly. It's even lovelier in person.

I love crafting floggers and I love sharing what comes of my efforts. I especially love it when I hear how much other people enjoy the results. It's total validation! If you are interested, the purple one is listed for sale sold; I will list the others soon.

Have a great weekend!

Update: Wow, readers! What a response! The purple one is sold - wow.

The others are all listed now, plus one more!


  1. OMG, omg, I so want the blue one. It's is so unique and different from the other Conina FABULOUS floggers that I have. But Sir might just kill me if I bought another. UGH!

    Beautiful as always.


    1. You know, when I was making it I was all like "fiona will LOVE this one..."


  2. These are gorgeous Conina! Daddy and I absolutely love our flogger that you made for us...I think it's his favorite toy! Whoever gets these will be pleased!


    1. I am so glad you guys love it so much! It makes me happy when something I've made brings joy to others....:)

  3. Oh these are beautiful Conina! Very nice. I would love to buy one.

    1. Oh thank you! Now if I can just get my lazy self to list them... :)

  4. Love how they unravel to different colors!

    1. Oh thank you! That's a technique I took some time to perfect but I think it's working quite beautifully now.

    2. Just being nosy now - do you use colored cord or do you dye it? I like crafty things. Usually just sewing though, aprons being my latest obsession. I'd never tackle a flogger though, especially knowing who to go to if/when we go there.

    3. I dye it myself. :) A bit of a learning curve but very worth it.

  5. Mmmmm blue one looks divine. Like the chain links. Since one of your floggers made it's way over here, he's being neglecting other implements, such is its impact - on me in particular :)

    1. Hopefully that's not just a pretty way of saying he's neglecting ALL the implements including the flogger.... :) Glad you guys are enjoying it!

  6. Very nice!! So maybe spraining your ankle wasn't such a bad thing after all. I'm kidding. I'm sure these would have been made without the 'benefit' of hurting yourself.
    I like the blue one best.....I think. No, the purple one. Wait....I can't decide!

    1. You know, I'm not sure they would have been! Being forced to sit a lot does wonders for one's creativity. :)

      They both are very very different creatures so I can understand not being able to decide. I have 5 different floggers myself.

  7. They are absolutely gorgeous and you know how much I love the floggers I have from you. We were just exercising them the other night. Delicious.

    I hope your ankle feels better soon.

    1. So glad yours are still bringing you pleasure! It amazes me how much abuse they can take and still come out looking fabulous.

      Though a friend took hers out to a Ren Faire and.. well, let's say the snagging grass and the flogger dangling from her belt don't go so well together.

  8. I wonder how I can learn to make these??

    1. There's a "making a flogger" tab right next to "home" and "about me" at the top of every post. Admittedly it's a bit crude as I did it not long after I started and the resulting creation is harsh enough that we use it very rarely. :) It's a place to start though.

  9. I just discovered your blog today. I am intrigued by yours and to be honest very few hold my attention and generally I just bounce around. Perhaps you have mentioned but since I am reading from the smartphone I have not noticed... have you ever thought about selling them?

    1. I do sell them. :) I've been away for a bit and my shop appears empty, but it's there. (going to re-activate it shortly)

      Thank you so much for the lovely feedback! Comments like this make my day.


Thank you for reading. I hope you'll let me know you were here - I like friends!