
Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Keeping it real

On the plane, hours and hours and hours with no privacy, surrounded by foreigners he understands but I don't, he snuggles against me while our munchkin sleeps.

"Would my girl like a blanket?" he asks, and the intimation is clear. I pull the blanket over us even though it's hot. So hot. Too many bodies, too close for too long.

His hand, now hidden by the blanket, snakes under my shirt, strokes my nipple. I moan softly, quietly, low enough the roar of the engines hide it. His fingers pinch, tighten, and I want to squeal but I just breathe harder, tamping down the urge to make noise.

"Good girl," he growls low into my ear. "Good fuck toy." He squeezes my nipple again and the pain rockets through my body like a bolt of lightning. I can only just bear it, though a whimper escapes. "My good fuck hole," he says, and I am instantly hotter, too hot, I can't breathe at all now. He slowly removes his hand and I toss the blanket away, pulling away from him to allow some air to circulate around me. Passing out from desire wouldn't serve anyone.

It's not a game.

He's pretty good at keeping it real.


  1. Gives new meaning to the phrase in-flight entertainment :)

    1. And we didn't have to pay 10 Euros for it! :)

  2. LOL @ DelFonte! it is those unexpected moments that really keep us centered. hugs abby

  3. woah! you are making me hot!! xx

    1. It was really hot in there - not surprised some of it leaked out. ;)

  4. Hot! Adding this to my list of fantasies.

    1. Hopefully you don't have the disapproving foreigner who keeps looking over the aisle at you the whole flight. :)

  5. I think you now belong to a branch of the mile high club :)
    I don't know which is worse (better). The feeling before the blanket or after, it's like a tiny bite if the cake only to have it ripped away. :)

    1. I think the tiny bite of cake was way better than waiting another 7-8 hours for any touching. :)

  6. It's those moments which make everything real. It's that reality that makes it worth it! Not a game indeed...


    BTW, I was having heart palpitations because I so understand that temperature issue...where you get hot...then internally - sexually hot - so close to spontaneous combustion.

  7. I agree...when I have moments like that, " in public " and not behind closed doors I am reminded that our dynamic reaches past our bedroom door and has rooted itself firmly in our day to day life. We aren't always D/s...but when we wreath unexpected times and places it is a complete turn on.

    1. Wreath? Darn autocorrect. "are at"

    2. Absolutely. :) Right there with you. I would be beyond mortified if I thought anyone else there had an idea though - pretty sure no one was paying attention.


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