
Friday, May 2, 2014

An award and a gift

Pearl over at Happily Surrendered and Submissive has graciously awarded me a Liebster. Thank you, lovely lady! I took it upon myself to hunt down the original image so you can all copy it over to your blogs if you'd like to replace the fairly problematic image currently circulating. If it doesn't bother you, then no biggie, but if it does, well, here ya go!

Like all of these funny little things circulating the blogosphere, it comes with rules. They are: 

1. Thank the person who nominated you and post a link to their blog on your blog.

2. Display the award on your blog-- by including it in your post and / or displaying it using a "widget" or "gadget". (this part was problematic for me since it was literally the worst image I'd ever seen - but I found it before it was wrecked, so yay!)

3. Answer 11 questions about yourself which will be provided to you by the person who nominated you.

4. Provide 11 random facts about yourself.

5. Nominate 5-11 blogs you feel deserve this award, who have less than 1000 followers. (Note that you can ask the blog owner this since not all blogs display the widget that lets readers know this information.

6. Create a new list of questions for the blogger to answer.

7. List these rules on your post. Once you have written and published it, you then have to :

8. Inform people/blogs that you nominated that they have been nominated for the Liebster Award and provide a link for them to your post so they can learn about it (they might not have heard of it!)

It's funny because I'm pretty sure the last time one of these was going around, the lists of personal questions wasn't even a thing.  So what I'm gonna do is answer Pearl's questions. Lots of random facts about me are already floating around my blog, and the more of those I spill, the less anonymous I become. 

Anyway, that all said, here are Pearl's questions:

1. Where were you the first time you and your Husband/Wife kissed?
In a friend's apartment, after we'd just met in the airport. It was not a good kiss because it was his first kiss ever. He's fixed that now.  
2. What does your Husband/Wife do first when waking up (if you're not sure...ask!!)?
The first thing my husband does upon waking is to wrap himself more around me, if he's not already wrapped tightly. His alarm goes off, we stop it, and he snuggles me extra. Every morning.
3. Favorite place to touch your Husband/Wife?
Hm. I like different things for different reasons. Not sure if I can say I have a favorite. I enjoy touching him in places that make him make happy noises. I do really like his sides, just under his ribs, and playing with the little hairs that grow in a line along his collarbone.
4. The last place you touched your Husband/Wife?
. . .the hand. He was just here holding me and I put my hand on his and kissed it before he went off to give me a few minutes of precious, precious alone time in which I don't have to do anything for anyone.
5. Campfire or fireplace?
Both. I'm greedy like that. But, really, campfire because a fireplace just leads to draftiness. I own a house with three fireplaces and I learned way too much about them though I never lived there.
6. Biggest sex blooper you and your Husband/Wife have had?
Hm, a blooper. I don't think it counts as a blooper but we once shared the same enormous pair of pajama pants, for giggles.

I can't think of any funny actual bloopers we've had right now, though I'm sure they exist. I remember having sex with my ex once while Married With Children was playing on his TV. That wasn't the best idea ever.
7. Favorite sexy toy?
ANY of my gorgeous silky floggers. Or my butt plug (mood naughty). Those are the things I must have.
8. Do you worry (what worries you) about those around you knowing about your relationship dynamic?
I... don't actually care anymore. Whatever. I'm trying to live an honest life and if my friends know I'm kinky then that makes it all the better. The family members that are closest to me know. The family members who would condemn me for liking sex at all, much less the kind of things I get up to, don't know. I don't worry about them finding out, I just don't need to talk about my sex life with them because... why would I? I don't talk to them about anything.
9. One hidden talent?
Hidden from whom? I'm a pretty good electrician. I once fancied becoming a master gardener and/or working for the agricultural extension office. I excel at gravitating toward purple objects in any place of business. I do not always buy them but I usually must touch them at least.
10. If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be?
I would let go of things more easily, physical things and concepts, ideas, dreams.  When you hold on too tightly to anything it prevents you from fully realizing anything else. I'd also lower my libido a little. Okay, that's more than one thing, but if it's really stuck to one thing, then just the first. It would help a little with the second anyway.
11. One sex related item you would NOT want to live without? (Besides your partner)
Sex...related..item? That's not a toy? HRM.  Oh oh, my bamboo sheets. Definitely. I luffs them. We both do.

Yay, that was fun!

I'm going to be a spoilsport though and not nominate anyone or ask any questions because I'm out of alone time. Thank you again, Pearl!


  1. Congratulations!:)

  2. OH my goodness, thank you SO much for going to the trouble to hunt down the orginal image - that somewhat glitchy one WAS bothering me, and my blogpost looks SO much better now!

  3. Thanks for classing up the joint with the AWESOME image! I love your answer to #8. My Man and I just had a big conversation on this. We have come to a place that we really are proud of who we have become together. I am HIS, and I don't really care who knows it. As for the D/s sexual part, I wouldn't just bring up ass-fucking at Christmas dinner anyway so we're good!


Thank you for reading. I hope you'll let me know you were here - I like friends!