
Friday, September 5, 2014

Why being married is awesome

We'd just finished a spectacularly mind-blowing session. He'd fucked every single part of me from several different angles - including my armpit-breast area, and we'd just collapsed after he'd given me my second orgasm.

"Ooooh, I like being married to you!" he said, resting his arm across my back as I panted into a pillow, trying to recover.

"mmmmm, why is that?" I asked breathlessly.

"Because we get to have sex," he said.

I laughed. Because so many things were going through my head right then. Like, being married isn't a prerequisite to having sex, and being married doesn't guarantee sex, and even if it did, then he could be married to anyone at all, absolutely anyone, and it wouldn't have to be me.

But all those thoughts went through my head in the split second before he continued: "...and you're a particularly amazing person to have sex with."

Be still, my heart. When he gets shit right, he really, really gets it right.


  1. You are both lucky to have each other.


  2. And in the space between the two paragraphs, I thought all the same things you thought (about sex and marriage). I heart you two.

    And I imagine you would be a pretty great person to have sex with.


Thank you for reading. I hope you'll let me know you were here - I like friends!