
Monday, June 25, 2012

Breast spanking and cock sucking

If you arrived here because you were expecting a steamy tale of blow jobs and breast spanking, sorry. I don't usually label my sex posts so blatantly. Perhaps I should.

You probably want to go read this instead: Exactly what I needed
Or this: Such a chore
Or this: I love Wednesday
Or even this: Every single day is awesome

If, on the other hand, you'd like some more insight, you might want to stick around and finish reading this one.

I was going over my search terms for the last week or so, and the overwhelming majority of repeated searches are to do with blow jobs and breast slapping. Mostly blow jobs, but the breast spanking appeared often enough I thought I'd include it.

Here's a nice sample of 58 of the most recent searches. I only removed 20 or so other searches from the list of ALL my searches:

my husband insists on a blowjob every day
love stroking cock
i love to suck my husbands cock for hours
what if my blow job
master had me give blow jobs to his friends
i love my husband cock suck
my husband+breast spanking
my husbands cock
sucking my husbands cock
i hate to suck my husband's penis
i love sucking my husband's
why i dont like to suck my husband dick
i hate sucking my husband dick
my sub doesnt like sucking cock
i like my husband licking
i like to suck my husbands cock
breast spank asking for
i love sucking cock in front of my husband. is it normal?
why i suck my husband's cock
love sucking husbands dick
exploring the cock
suck my husband cock
how to suck my husbands
i love sucking my cock
my husband slapped my breast+spanked
surrender to cock blogspot
i love sucking cock
why i like sucking dick
i love sucking my husband
husband cock
blowjobs are a chore i hate them
i love sucking my man's dick
spanked my breast
i like 2 suck my husbands penis
horny ladies give glow jobs
suck my cock lover man
i love sucking my husbands cock
quiet submissive blowjob
blowjobs are awesome
love sucking cock
i always enjoy your blowjobs
why i love sucking cock
d/s cock sucking
how about sucking my cock
i love sucking my man's cock
i suck my husband dick sex
making love licking cock
many women like suck cock and taked in
nipple pinching and slapping
older women love sucking cock
poems suck my cock love
suck my cock like you love it
suck tyou hasband cock
sucking cock husbund
two girls tied up and sucking one dick
why i love my husbands penis
why wives dislike sucking husband's penis?
woman loves sucking cock it sends her to sleep

So now I'm the blow job giving submissive girl who loves to have her breasts spanked, I guess. I think I'm okay with it. I know I'm okay with it in life, but the whole public persona thing is a bit daunting. Fitting into a happy mold has never really been my strong point. 

The large amount of searches I get that seem to be people wondering why sucking cock doesn't do it for themselves or their partner make me sad. The search "blowjobs are a chore i hate them," vies for the sad-making crown with the plaintive tone of "why wives dislike sucking husband's penis?"

Women are all different creatures, but I can come up with some pretty good answers.

Why doesn't she like sucking cock?

There are so many reasons a woman can go sour on giving blow jobs, even if she was initially enthusiastic about the concept. 
  1. It's not clean.
    Dude. Take a shower. Do you really think the idea of your sweaty smelly crotch up in her face is going to turn her on? Some woman may like your specific aroma, but generally, just take a shower. It can take as little as five minutes, and the return will be worth it.

  2. He's too rough
    So you read about face fucking somewhere? Maybe even here, on my blog, where my husband grabs my head and yanks it up and down on his cock, and I love it. You like the idea of doing that too, so why not try it? But here's the thing: my husband does that because I want him to. He does it because it makes me hot. Sure, it feels great to him too, but if I didn't want to experience it he would not do it. We've been together for over a decade. We've developed our kinks over a lot of time. But most women are not going to love the sensation of having their heads used as masturbation aids. It might just piss them off.

  3. It's uncomfortable
    The most important part of a blow job is a willing and happy mouth. Find a position where she can fully explore and not have some part of her body aching or falling asleep. Do not get the idea of one particular position stuck in your head. Talk to her about what feels best to her. There's also the issue of aching jaws, which can be worked out over time. Just let her stop when she needs to, no whining. My jaw used to ache after several minutes, but now I can go on for long periods of time.

  4. He complains or isn't appreciative
    You have a woman willing to put your cock in her mouth to give you pleasure. Do not be an asshole and tell her she's doing it wrong unless she is doing something to hurt you. Do be appreciative, tell her what feels great, and lavish her with praise and affection while she is doing it and after.

  5. He wants a blowjob and then falls asleep/leaves/goes to play video games/out with friends
    Can you say "unfulfilling?" Especially if this happens regularly. You're creating a response wherein giving a blowjob means the end of her pleasure. Do you really want this? I don't think you do. She is going to feel used, and not in a good way. She will come to resent the concept of putting her mouth anywhere near your cock. Variety is the spice of life! You can do things to her while she pleasures you with her mouth, or you can stop her and pleasure her in other ways, thanking her for the wonderful way she's made you feel.

  6. He doesn't give any feedback
    She gets up her nerve to try to please you like this after much encouragement on your part, and... nothing. You don't thank her or tell her she is awesome or stroke her hair lovingly or tell her she's the most wonderful thing ever to walk the earth. . . there's no intimacy generated by this act. It's just another way for you to get off without doing too much work. While receiving a blow job is generally viewed as a passive act, if you want to repeat it then you want her to enjoy it, so you make it good for her too.
I'm sure I could come up with several more, but I'll leave it to my readers. Any volunteers?

Updated to include this new one: "is it safe to suck hubby cock?"

Mostly, the answer to that is yes, provided no transmittable infections in either of you. If you have a visible cold sore, then, no, don't.


  1. Conina, this is so awesome! I finally had the guts to tell DH that I love to suck his cock when he just took a shower. Not that he is dirty, at all, but still. It just doesn't appeal to me otherwise at all. And one other thing that really was necessary was for him to give me feedback. Tell me what he wanted. I mean, I am not a mind reader!

    1. I'm so glad! It was a hard conversation for me to have when we did, too. It makes you feel like you're criticizing or saying he's dirty, but... freshly cleaned is so much better than merely "not dirty."

  2. I think for some its simply not something that appeals on any level, perhaps even though we live in a time that sex is more out there and we are more open about it and blowjobs are not regarded as taboo even for some it could be the association of it just not being 'normal'.

    Of course ones persons idea of normal may differ from anothers.


    1. You raise an interesting point - it would never occur to me to think that anyone would say it's not "normal," but I am from a state where it's technically illegal.

  3. Dude, Take a shower, LOL. Isn't it a shame that sometimes you need to spell out the obvious? I personally love the smell and taste of my man, but he is a fastidious kinda guy :)

    1. Yeah, I like the smell and taste of mine if it's just been a few hours or so, but at the end of the day after he's had a run or other sort of workout and has been cooped up in his pants for a while... yeah, shower is nice. :)

  4. I could go on and on about this subject :)

    First, commenting on painspleasure's comment, I read this so often on these blogs and I'm shocked every time. Considering how more "open" sex has supposedly become the last few decades, my mind is boggled when I read that a lot of people don't think of blowjobs as "normal." They were standard sexual activity when I was a teen in the 70's, whether in sex books, guides, magazine articles, or real life. Totally normal and commonplace. No big deal at all back then.

    But on to Conina's list:

    Reason 1

    As for the showering, YES, Master always showers right before coming over, and if he hasn't, he jumps right into the shower when he gets here. It helps A LOT.

    Although, prior to Master, I enjoyed giving blowjobs even when there hadn't been a shower immediately before. The ex showered once a day, so certainly wasn't filthy or anything, but if he showered in the morning and the blowjob was in the evening, he wasn't fresh and clean. It was fine that way. But I'm now spoiled by Master's super clean fresh scent, so I wouldn't want to go back to the showered sometime in the last 24 hours thing.

    And, not to get too graphic, but if the man has gone to the bathroom needing to sit down, it really is important to wash off before getting a blow job, or it can indeed be smelled.

    Reason 2

    Too rough is bad unless the woman has expressed she's ok with it. If it's the first time, and you're not sure, don't keep pushing her head if she doesn't appear to like it.

    Master does this sometimes, and I don't mind, but if he did it too often it could ruin it for me. You don't want the girl to dread this experience. Sometimes the gag reflex is more sensitive than other times, and if he ever forced me to throw up on him, that would be the end of it, possibly permanently.

    Reason 3

    It can get uncomfortable propped up on a shoulder, or whatever, so the man needs to be ok with the woman changing positions, or simply not wanting to do it at all from certain angles.

    Reason 4

    Definitely don't be a critic. If there is a way she could be making it better (other than choking on it) say so! Master is always telling me what to do, and I appreciate this. It fits his Dom personality to order me around, and I like knowing what works best for him.
    It's essential that the man let you know he's enjoying it though, even before he has taught you what works best.

    Reason 5

    Unless the woman has expressed that she's ok with giving without getting, yeah, the man should make sure the woman is satisfied too.

    I personally am satisfied by just giving Master a good blowjob, so I'm fine with that being all that happens.

    Reason 6

    It's very important to know he's enjoying what you're doing, or it could feel like a chore. Master makes it very clear, by sounds and words, that he's enjoying it very much.

    I told you I could go on and on :)

    1. Wow, you really can go on, huh? I love this comment.

      Your response to reason 5: I also love giving him head right before he goes to work, so I know there's nothing to follow it either. I enjoy the act, but I also enjoy knowing he's thinking about it all day, that we both are. Like you, being satisfied with having given an excellent blow job is often enough for me - but I don't have that expectation that EVERY time I give a blow job he's going to wander off and forget I exist, either.

  5. Number five. Definitely that one. That is why I never liked them before. Now, I know even if it is not immediate, H's goal is always to keep my count above his (O wise).

    And those search terms... OMG. You could definitely use the line - this is my life now. :)

    1. PS - So sad for the "is it normal" gal... According to one of the comments above, it used to be. And according to me, it is the new normal. :)

    2. The search terms just floored me! I'd never gotten so many BJ-related hits in a week before, ever. I had no idea there were so many permutations!

      So many of the hits made me sad - I just thought maybe I could help just a tiny bit.

  6. I have a young friend who tells me that she loves sucking her husbands cock, but he's usually playing video games...that is so very sad! Fits right in there with #6 - if you can't give me your full attention - somethings wrong!

    1. Absolutely! There have been moments when I wanted to just peacefully suck his cock while we watched a movie - just so I could do both - but it's never been run of the mill. I definitely want it to be about the two of us, with..perhaps making him lose focus on the movie. ;)

  7. OMG i'm late on my day's reading... but this was great. yeah, I mentioned before that i thought blowjobs were normal and part of everyone's sex life till i asked my friends and it seemed i was the only person who actually enjoyed it. that's like out of a group of 10 girls/guys-who have opinions based on how often they got any from their wives/gfs.

    as for the playing video games thing - sheesh. if it starts that way but after a few minutes you can STILL concentrate on your game and not need to stop and focus on what's going on in my mouth, then I'm gonna abandon ship. I'm happy to say so far that hasn't happened. my men are at least sweet that way.

    shower - i'm with you on that one. clean and fresh is ALWAYS yummy!

    the other thing i'm fussy about is hair. i don't mean to offend anyone but i just CANNOT stand to have pubes in my mouth. I mean, if i'm going to be shaven for your pleasure, then at least reciprocate where it counts. doesn't have to be ALL off, but you know, around the areas that are going to go into my mouth. and TRIM the rest. The last thing i need is to go hunting among the bushes.

    1. I have only had experience with a few, and I've never met a penis that had hair on it, so thankfully the part I'm sucking is hairless.

      As for the balls . . .

      I've only had experience with two. Or should I say four? Hee.

      Anyway, Master doesn't usually have any, or almost none there, so I'm assuming he shaves them, and it's lovely. If a man wants his balls licked, hairy is not good.

    2. I like it trimmed shorter too - just getting pubes stuck on my tongue or near the back of my throat is pretty horrible, though failing the trim, a good combing through prior to a blow job should get rid of any loose hairs.

    3. Lmfao I just about spit my wine out. "the last thing I need is to go hunting among the bushes" Im just so happy that our playtime is usually right after He finishes His post workout shower. Most definitely appreciated.

  8. Wow, I cannot imagine thinking giving a BJ is not normal. I agree with all 6 of your points bit #1 stands out for me the most. I do so love having my face grabbed and used by Master until I gag.

    1. I know, isn't that interesting? The "Is it safe to suck?" struck a chord with me as well.

  9. It's no mistake that mouse adores sucking Daddy's man meat! It's beautiful. Men parts aren't supposed to be pretty, but mouse loves looking at it. The act of wrapping her lips around it and giving him complete pleasure without any expectation of anything in return. To mouse, it defines her slavery to Daddy and in that she feels her purpose so clearly.

    It's a shame most of her friends see it as a joke. Because to mouse it's serious business and a great show of her love.


    1. Most of her friends see sucking as a joke or Mouse's seriousness about sucking as a joke? Sucking is no joke. I love it. It makes me feel very devoted, even when I can't be in other ways.

    2. I agree, mouse. Sucking is no joke, and I feel badly for the people who think it is. They're really missing out on something.

  10. "i suck my husband dick sex" Someone actually looked for that? What does that even mean?
    Onwards.....I really like giving pleasure to MDK. He went umm hair free a few years ago and I went to town like I was the freaking mayor. I just got hot thinking about him being shaved again. *pouts* I'm totally dropping this hint tonight. Sorry ADD Addy tonight - I completely agree with all of your points!

    Also, sometimes a woman needs something else in her mouth. Hear me out. Ice chips, whipped cream, edible lotion, chocolate syrup - something for her to focus on because maybe she's just not used to doing it.

    Some women also may not know what to do. Encouragement is key!!!!

    Love the post, Conina, I'm all hot and bothered now. LOL

    1. I love this comment, and the image of "I went to town like I was the freaking mayor" when applied to this topic. :)

  11. hmmm, well on the issue of pubes, papacrow has trimmed & indeed shaved before, which was very nice, but I don't mind hairy either - he's not MASSIVELY hairy anyway, it's only even vaguely noticeable when I suck/lick his balls..

    I guess it must be because it's him, because there has been the odd incident of getting a hair in my mouth & it dosn't both or phase me at all - whereas pubes were the one thing that freaked me out when had a cleaning job involving cleaning 16 toilets every night!

    1. The hair doesn't bother me like it does some - I just don't like when it's loose and it gets in my mouth often. They'll get pushed into my throat if I don't stop, so I keep having to interrupt myself to pull them out - which is why the combing/trimming work well for me.

      If there are no loose ones or if they're not long enough to get in my mouth, they can't get stuck there. I don't shave either, but I do trim it so it's shorter.


Thank you for reading. I hope you'll let me know you were here - I like friends!