Wednesday, March 12, 2014


Oh, hi, it looks like it's March again and I'm just going to put myself out there.

Anybody have any questions? Ask 'em right here and I'll actually answer.

You can also email me if you prefer and I'll post the question/answer anonymously.


  1. Hi Conina, good to see you about.
    Are you still making floggers - any new designs?

  2. Hi!!!

    I've missed you being about. So questions, huh?

    1. Where have you been? Why did you stop blogging and commenting and answering comments?
    2. What is an amazingly sexy moment that you and your husband have had since you stopped regularly blogging?
    3. What is your favorite decadent treat (food not fantasy 😊).
    4. What is your current goto fantasy to cum?



Thank you for reading. I hope you'll let me know you were here - I like friends!